Game PS4 – Minecraft Starter Collection

ден 2,360.00

Game PS4 – Minecraft Starter Collection

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SKU: 65998

PS Plus is required for online play (multiplayer)
EU account must be used to redeem the extra DLC things included: This pack includes a great compilation of content to explore what you can do with Minecraft, including: LittleBigPlanet Mash-up, Greek Mythology Mash-up, City Texture Pack & Skin Pack 1. Also get 700 Tokens! Use them to get maps, skins, texture packs and more from the in-game Store!

Create anything you can imagine. Explore the mighty mountains and living oceans of infinite worlds, expanded further by free game updates, amazing community-made maps, servers, thrilling minigames and more! Survive online with friends on console, mobile, and Windows 10, or share the adventure at home in split-screen multiplayer.

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